Function dispatch or callback list

Started by Tim Johnson, March 22, 2010, 03:52:31 PM

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Tim Johnson

In python I'm used to doing something like this:

funcs = {"one":func1,"two":func2} ## etc
## Called as:
funcs[task](arg1 arg2)

I did this in newlisp:

(set 'funcs '(("int" do-int)("text" do-text)))
(define (do-int arg1 arg2)
(println "DO-INT - arg1: " arg1 " arg2: " arg2) )
(define (do-text arg1 arg2)
(println "DO-TEXT - arg1: " arg1 " arg2: " arg2))
## Function call:
(set 'arglst '("one" "two"))
(apply (lookup "text" funcs) arglst)
## => DO-TEXT - arg1: one arg2: two

If anyone thinks there is a better and more idiomatic way to do this, I would welcome comments.


Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.


In 'funcs' you are storing the names of functions 'do-int' and 'do-text' but not the functions themselves. Writing it slightly differently,
(define (do-int arg1 arg2)
   (println "DO-INT - arg1: " arg1 " arg2: " arg2) )

(define (do-text arg1 arg2)
   (println "DO-TEXT - arg1: " arg1 " arg2: " arg2) )

(set 'funcs
(list "int" do-int)
(list "text" do-text) ))

you can code the following:

((lookup "text" funcs) "one" "two")

or, perhaps more elegantly:
(define (f key) (lookup key funcs))

((f "text") "one" "two")

Tim Johnson

Hey, I like your approach. And taking it one step further using 'fn:

(set 'funcs
      (list "int" (fn(arg1 arg2)(println "DO-INT - arg1: " arg1 " arg2: " arg2)))
      (list "text" (fn(arg1 arg2)(println "DO-TEXT - arg1: " arg1 " arg2: " arg2)))))
(define (f key) (lookup key funcs))
((f "text") "one" "two")

Elegant indeed.

Thank you

Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.

Tim Johnson

And one more step, factoring out 'list calls by using eval in the dispatcher:
(set 'callback-list
'(("int" (fn(arg1 arg2)
                      (println "heellllooo from the 'int handler")
                      (println arg1 " " arg2)))
          ("text" (fn(arg1 arg2)
                        (println "heellllooo from the 'text handler")
                         (println arg1 " " arg2)))))
(define (dispatcher key params)
(apply (eval(lookup key callback-list)) params))
(dispatcher "int" '("one" "two"))
(dispatcher "text" '("three" "four")


heellllooo from the 'int handler
one two
heellllooo from the 'text handler
three four

Next step: Compose an anonymous function and either replace or add to

the callback list.


Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.


Here is another solution using a hash tree to hold the lambda fuctions:

; create a hash
(define Func:Func)

; assign lambda expressions
(Func "int" (fn (x) (println "hello from int:" x)))
(Func "text" (fn (x) (println "hello from text:" x)))

; excute functions
((Func "int") 99)
((Func "text") "abc")

creates this output and return values:
hello from int:99
hello from text:abc

Tim Johnson

I think that your method will make modification easier also.

Thanks very much Lutz.

I hadn't even considered hashes.
Programmer since 1987. Unix environment.