newlisp.dll with get-string Bug

Started by HPW, December 07, 2003, 11:23:49 PM

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In newlisp.exe:

> (import "newlisp.dll" "dllEvalStr")
dllEvalStr <11180BC>
> (get-string (dllEvalStr "(+ 3 4)"))
> (print(get-string (dllEvalStr "(append "test" "2")")))
> (silent(print(get-string (dllEvalStr "(append "test" "2")"))))

In newlisp.dll:

(import "newlisp.dll" "dllEvalStr")
dllEvalStr <19880BC>
(get-string (dllEvalStr "(+ 3 4)"))
(setq a(get-string (dllEvalStr "(+ 3 4)")))
(print(get-string (dllEvalStr "(append "test" "2")")))
(silent(print(get-string (dllEvalStr "(append "test" "2")"))))

Of cource I do not want to embed a newlisp in newlisp.dll.

It is only a test for use of other DLL. (zlib,zip etc.)

I want to access compressed or zipped data direct from newlisp exe and/or dll.


Actually its doing the expected:

The newLISP dll reroutes stdout output to the return value, normally in newLISP console (for return values) and stdout output have a different path in the program, this is why in newlisp-tk you don't see stdout at all, becuase it is thrown away. So when working with nested newlsip DLLs the lower process's string return is a stdout on the next higher level. The stdout on the higher level in return gets a return value and routed to stdout (the console on the highest llevel).

Importing other DLLs into newlisp.dll things seems to work fine and only give one return value back, i.e. I try the following in the NeoBook demo (example from the manual):

(import "user32.dll" "MessageBoxA")

(MessageBoxA 0 "This is the body" "Caption" 1)

=> 1 ; single return value



Thanks for clearing.

Was not aware about the details of this.

Will further inverstigate the use of other DLL's.


Yes, finding out about other DLL's would be great. It still would be nice to compile a combined DLL/Exe (like i.e. MS Excel), but we (Steve an I)  haven't got that right yet. I also don't want to switch to MS-tools but rather stay with the free Borland tools.
