objects in guiserver

Started by cormullion, January 22, 2009, 11:05:11 AM

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What's the best way to do this task? I want to place three or four copies of a graphical object onto a canvas, each one behaving slightly differently, but using the same code basic code. I don't think I can use FOOP-style objects, because they aren't modifiable (so I couldn't vary key parameters). Also, the objects need to be drawn once at the start, then modified continually in response to events.


In CL the answer would be macros. In NL I'm pretty sure the answer is still macros. What exactly are you trying to accomplish (explain)?


While I understand (basically :)) the FOOP approach, and use guiserver a lot, I can't work out how to do both at the same time. How to define an object and its behaviour, then to place multiple instances of that object on a canvas.

I've forgotten what I was trying to do, now...:)

I'm pretty sure the answer's not macros, though.