utf8 output from mysql

Started by denis, May 20, 2011, 02:43:36 PM

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Good night everyone!

I am trying to port my website and cms from tomcat/java to dragonfly/newlisp. The site is in Russian (cyrillic), so the problem: when I retrieve data from mysql database and print it through dragonfly's view I get this: "208148208183195166209131208180208182209139209133209138195166209131" instead of "Дзæуджыхъæу" (as an example).

I use mysql.lsp module of newlisp. The default encoding of mysql database is utf8, encoding of page in browser is also utf8. The same result (two-byte code in numbers, but not symbols themeselves) I have got when I used postgresql database with postgres.lsp.

My question is: did I miss something very trivial, or I will have to change mysql.lsp in some way?

If you can give me some hint? Thank you in advance!



Perhaps you are missing a: http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" declaration in the META tag header of the HTML page you are displaying. When you print that number-string to an UTF-8 able medium you will see UTF-8 characters, e.g: when printing to an UTF-8 capable terminal:

> (println "208148208183195166")

... and the same happens with output to a HTML page. 'println' or 'print' will actually output UTF-8 codes, the backslash representation is only the way newLISP shows character codes > 127 in interactive mode.

I don't think that your problem has anything to do with databases.

Ps: user "itistoday" (one of the authors of the Dragonfly module) may also be able to help you; he is familiar with Cyrillic writing.


Thank you, Lutz!

I have just fixed the problem, but the resolution was not even in the page encoding. Actually, I hadn't Russian (ru_RU.UTF-8) locale being set in the operating system (Linux at VPS). First I installed the Russian locale. Then, before requests to the database I put
(set-locale "ru_RU.UTF-8")
and it solved the problem.