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Messages - HPW

I have searched the Welch TK book after a widget "pulldownlist" (in autolisp called "popup_list") which is in windows a popular interface element (example: IE URL-adress field without typing, only picking). Does TK support this?

When not I would have a problem to port interfaces to newlisp TK.

Thats another wish for the demo-files section. Such a demo should show every supported widget with a small example how to do it. There a user could look for the typ of widget he is searching, and if it is supported to see how.

PS: I have problem to reach the follwing sites:">">">
newLISP in the real world /
October 19, 2002, 01:17:44 PM
I think with 6 members on this new forum there are not to much autolisper here in the moment. But if we would get some substantial to work it will be a matter of time to get more autolisper interested in newlisp.

I have had a look on the old xlisp-stuff from David Betz, because I was interested in the roots of the today tools. So good to know it is public  domain.

My TK knowledge starts with Lutz demo-files and I bought the book from Brent B.Welch which Lutz had recommeded in another thread. I am diving into the book in the moment, but have not something worked out for my own. When Lutz talked about a more lispy way of doing the TK-stuff, I thought it would be good to listen to his ideas regarding the TK-stuff.
Whither newLISP? /
October 19, 2002, 09:47:37 AM
I would like to see something like that in the Tips and Tricks section. Another good offer for learning lispy thinking. I will keep an eye on the section. Thanks again!
newLISP in the real world /
October 19, 2002, 09:43:35 AM
But I hope that you do not mean that a command like setq, foreach and repeat is under copyright protection of the 400 pound gorilla? ;-)
In the common lisp world there is a reader makro to evaluate mathematical expressions in clisp:"> ... fix/0.html">

Would it be possible to port this to newLisp?

Why did I asked? Because in my real worlds project in the alisp world I use a autodesk runtime extension called "geomcalc.arx" to evaluate such expressions from a oracle database. When I want to port it to the outside world of acad, it has to be replaced with something other. The best I found until now, was the infix-reader macro.
newLISP in the real world /
October 19, 2002, 01:48:48 AM
Lutz, it nice that you are open for improvments in that direction's. Thanks for that. (I liked the setq makro, but a native support is always better)

CaveGuy, of course you are right with your points about a true DCL-emulation, I was just loud thinking/dreaming. But it might be possible to take it as a modell which we want to reach with TK. So a lispy sort of easy setting up an interface and defining all needed callbacks for the interface. When this would be very similar to the way it is done in alisp, it would be easier to port some logik.

And to your point with the alisp-clone: I do not mean a clone, because a clone would have to run in autocad as the enviroment. I mean something which is near enough to general alisp-logik, but has no intention to the grafik/cad-related commands.

Just my 2 cents ;-)
newLISP in the real world /
October 18, 2002, 12:40:21 PM
Really very interesting. As one of the people of the autolisp fraction I asked on the old forum for emulatiing autolisp (where Lutz makes the example with "repeat" and "foreach") and on the other hand for emulating/translation for DCL (Dialog command language) from autodesk which is similar to the TK concept. When we could do the things like in that good old tools, we would get much people to look at it. I would be a big advantage to read a DCL and translate it to TK with the callbacks intact.

Just some thought/dreams!

PS: I am hacking Autolisp over the hole day for living.
newLISP in the real world /
October 17, 2002, 11:09:56 PM
I also would like to see more examples with demo-code for possible interfaces with tk from newlisp! Learning from others code is the most productive way of learning. I had bought the tk-book from Welsch, which you have recommended.

>What is missing here would be a layer in newLISP providing a more

>LISPier way of doing GUI stuff.

This would also be a nice improvment!

By the way, is there a plan to upgrade tk to 8.4 which has some interface improvements for tk (more widgets)?
newLISP newS / Great froum
September 26, 2002, 02:21:42 AM
Hello Ryon,

Thanks for a great new forum.