how to distunguish 8.0.0rc4 from 8.0 release

Started by Lutz, April 07, 2004, 07:28:15 AM

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The newlisp executable has 8.0 as a version number on the release, 8.0.0 on the rc4 version. There are no other differences between the two releases in the newlisp executable (any OS flavor), except for the Win32 DLL, which now will return 7 for the OS spec in sys-info, becuase of change in makefile_win32dll.

The newlisp_manual.html has 8.0 in the <title> spec (window frame of the browser) of the released version, the rc4 version had 8.0.0 in that place. There are other fixes/updates which make both versions different.



It works for me - congrats on the new milestone Lutz.

[nigel@p800 newlisp_8000]$ newlisp

newLISP v8.0 Copyright (c) 2004 Lutz Mueller. All rights reserved.



You are welcome, and I don't want to forget to thank you and others on this board for their comments and contributions during the last months. Version 7.5 to 8.0 is a huge step, mostly in quality but also due to some new features.

newLISP has come to a point where it only can grow/succeed with all of your help and it has been a great satisfaction for me to work for and with you.
