newLISP on Rockets

Started by hilti, October 23, 2012, 12:39:01 PM

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Well it surely looks like your framework is unmaintained. Now you post there's a new version, so I wanted to give it a try, followed README indications and this is what I got for the example:

ERR: invalid function : (load-files-in-dir (string DRAGONFLY_ROOT "/lib") ".lsp$")

I don't want to diminish your work, but it surely needs a face washing.

You must agree with me that a software that claims to be stable and shows an error just by following stated instructions is kind of disappointing.


Quote from: "conan"Well it surely looks like your framework is unmaintained. Now you post there's a new version, so I wanted to give it a try, followed README indications and this is what I got for the example:

ERR: invalid function : (load-files-in-dir (string DRAGONFLY_ROOT "/lib") ".lsp$")

I don't want to diminish your work, but it surely needs a face washing.

You must agree with me that a software that claims to be stable and shows an error just by following stated instructions is kind of disappointing.

Hmm... I'm not seeing that. I just did the whole thing from scratch, here's the proof:

Last login: Sat Jun 22 15:18:46 on ttys004
taoeffect:~ gslepak$ git clone
Cloning into 'dragonfly-newlisp'...
remote: Counting objects: 2293, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1391/1391), done.
remote: Total 2293 (delta 874), reused 2273 (delta 860)
Receiving objects: 100% (2293/2293), 2.55 MiB | 2.05 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (874/874), done.
taoeffect:~ gslepak$ cd dragonfly-newlisp/
taoeffect:dragonfly-newlisp gslepak$ git submodule init
Submodule 'example-site/dragonfly-framework/plugins-inactive/db' (git:// registered for path 'example-site/dragonfly-framework/plugins-inactive/db'
taoeffect:dragonfly-newlisp gslepak$ git submodule update
Cloning into 'example-site/dragonfly-framework/plugins-inactive/db'...
remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 6 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (6/6), 15.33 KiB, done.
Submodule path 'example-site/dragonfly-framework/plugins-inactive/db': checked out 'f9e56a033a7da860427340a7b1cbf0eb3e5bb749'
taoeffect:dragonfly-newlisp gslepak$ cd example-site/
taoeffect:example-site gslepak$ ./newlispServer
If all goes well visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser

The site loaded fine. Did you do the same thing I did there?
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


The exact same thing:


I assume that you didn't visit the page after hitting ^C... Did you try Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-R (or a different browser)?

Also, try following these instructions to get it running under Apache instead:">
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


I was hesitant to join this topic, I didn't want this to become a dry discussion.

Just for completeness, I'll reply your questions before:
Quote from: "itistoday"I assume that you didn't visit the page after hitting ^C... Did you try Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-R (or a different browser)?

Also, try following these instructions to get it running under Apache instead:

You're right, I went to the page before hitting CTRL-C, stopping the program was my reaction to seeing an error on loading the page. Yes, I've tried reloading and yes I've tried another browser. Last one just to tell you that I did, because by seeing the error one already knows is not a browser problem, but I hate to leave loose ends. And finally, no, I wont follow any instructions to try it on Apache, because that's not the point.

So, to the point: what I tried to tell you (and I think Cormullion was trying the same) is that no matter how cool Dragonfly was, it looks abandoned now and needs some love.

Even the simplest code, no matter how mature, needs some maintenance now and then. Wouldn't need even more maintenance something that attempts to work in a field that never stays still, that's constantly changing, like the web?

You complain that the author of Newlisp on Rockets didn't fork your work. However he states that he learned and used a lot from Dragonfly, so he did base on your work, he just didn't use the fork path. Maybe because he's learning, maybe because he preferred to pick stuff by hand. Who knows!

Anyway, I didn't mean to be harsh at you before, and I don't now. I was just trying to point that a software that claims maturity should work out of the box. Because if after following instructions you have to hunt a bug, or try this and that to make it work, then software isn't mature, isn't ready for production.


Quote from: "conan"Even the simplest code, no matter how mature, needs some maintenance now and then. Wouldn't need even more maintenance something that attempts to work in a field that never stays still, that's constantly changing, like the web?

You complain that the author of Newlisp on Rockets didn't fork your work. However he states that he learned and used a lot from Dragonfly, so he did base on your work, he just didn't use the fork path. Maybe because he's learning, maybe because he preferred to pick stuff by hand. Who knows!

I generally agree with you, although I feel the word "complaining" is a bit harsh (personally). It's alright if you see it that way, but I see it as simply being dismayed at what you point out yourself, that Dragonfly needs maintenance, and it would have been nice if he helped us improve and maintain it.

QuoteAnyway, I didn't mean to be harsh at you before, and I don't now. I was just trying to point that a software that claims maturity should work out of the box. Because if after following instructions you have to hunt a bug, or try this and that to make it work, then software isn't mature, isn't ready for production.

Yes, I agree, please feel free to file an issue in Github. This the first time I've seen this issue though, so I hope you don't ding us too hard. Lots of other people have tried Dragonfly and it seems to have worked fine for them.
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.