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Messages - hotcore

Anything else we might add? / Request new forum sections
February 06, 2016, 08:20:14 AM

wouldn't it be nice to add 2 sections:

   - General discussion

   - Problems

to the forum.

It seems there is no right section for this currently.


Maybe you don't have installed the UTF-8 version?">
Whither newLISP? / Re: The future of newLISP
May 24, 2014, 02:29:10 AM
Ah, thanks!

It is good to see that quite a few people have contributed.

However it would be great for you, Lutz, to have sparring partners in order to secure the future of newLISP.

If I only had the capabilities to do so... My C skills aren't so good.

Are there folks in this forum who'd like to jump in?

Just caring about a nice language ;-)


Whither newLISP? / The future of newLISP
May 23, 2014, 11:57:14 AM

just curious!

I am wondering if Lutz is the only developer of newLISP.

Are there any plans for the near and farther development future of newLISP.


Or has it to do with:">

(spaces in name of installation dir?)
I tried the following:

1) %userprofile% is correct

2) %temp% is correct

3) deinstalled & reinstalled java & newLISP

To no avail.
However, I read Lutz's remark about directory security problems, so I deinstalled newLISP again

and installed it to a different place (not in systems folders).

And voilĂ , it works.

Thx for the help,


i get an error (from newLISP GUI server) when i try to start newLISP.

Could not start C:Program Filesnewlisp/newlisp.exe -C -w "C:UsersArie"

What is wrong??

Thx, Arie
I don't know anything about that library, but there is a syntax error in your statement: unbalanced double quotes. Maybe that is the problem?

Thx Ryon,

indeed this problem is known as issue">//

I registered there as a user to be able to emphasize the problem, but there seem to be server problems currently. Will try later.

Wow, Lutz you are a genius ;-)

Thanks a lot for the quick fix!

Thanks Lutz!

I already tried that. But when the user empties the field, the same problem will still occur ...

Is there a way (apart from get-text) to see if a field is in such an uninitialized state?

BTW many thanks for this wonderful language!

when I search for hyphenated words in the forum (e.g. text-field) no results will be shown. That's a pity!

It seems that, when you don't do a set-text for a text-field (or fill it in in the form manually) that get-text for that text-field gets stuck somehow.

The same behavior occurs when you empty the text-field at some stage (delete all chars in it).

Any ideas?



having written my first little newlisp app after lurking now and then on this forum, I have a small problem.

In the code below, when I do NOT enter anything in the input field and push the f->c button, the buttonhandler seems not to work.

The println is not executed! What am I doing wrong?

Thx, Arie

(load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))

(define (f2c x)
(set 'y (float x nil))
(println "y=" y ";")
(y (string (div (sub y 32.0) 1.8)))
(true "enter a number")

(define (c2f x)
(set 'y (float x nil))
(y (string (add (mul y 1.8) 32.0)))
(true "enter a number")


(gs:frame 'Convert 300 300 270 120 "Convert Fahrenheit & Celsius")
(gs:set-resizable 'Convert nil)
(gs:set-border-layout 'Convert)

(gs:panel 'Input)
(gs:set-flow-layout 'Input "left")
(gs:label 'Inlab "Input value:" "left" 44)
(gs:text-field 'Inval 'text-handler 20)
(gs:add-to 'Input 'Inlab 'Inval)

(gs:panel 'Output)
(gs:set-flow-layout 'Output "left")
(gs:label 'Outlab "Output value:" "left" 35)
(gs:label 'Outval "")
(gs:add-to 'Output 'Outlab 'Outval)

(gs:panel 'Button)
(gs:set-grid-layout 'Button 1 2)
(gs:button 'f2c 'button-handler "Convert F -> C")
(gs:button 'c2f 'button-handler "Convert C -> F")
(gs:add-to 'Button 'f2c 'c2f)

(gs:add-to 'Convert 'Input "north" 'Output "center" 'Button "south")

(gs:set-visible 'Convert true)

(define (text-handler id value) nil)

(define (button-handler id value)
((= id "MAIN:f2c")
(gs:set-text 'Outval (f2c (gs:get-text 'Inval))))
((= id "MAIN:c2f")
(gs:set-text 'Outval (c2f (gs:get-text 'Inval))))
(gs:set-text 'Outval "invalid id detected"))
