Any newlisp libraries that read jpeg-png-gif files formats?

Started by denis, February 26, 2012, 03:54:07 AM

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I wonder if someone worked on some newlisp library that operates .jpg, .png, and .gif formats. I need to read width and height of an image. It would be great to have uniform interface, that will automatically detect a format of the image file (given as parameter) and read data common for all these formats.


Jpeg code was once posted here:">// Perhaps similar code is possible for Png...


Thanks, cormullion. Seems I missed this topic while doing search in the forum.

Interesting, the issue also was raised by a person from Russia..

In my problem I need to know image size, as it is required in css styling, when using background image. It happens in a number of cases in the design of html layouts.