(c)ontinue, (d)ebug, e(x)it, (r)eset:

Started by cormullion, April 03, 2006, 01:16:57 AM

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Where can I read more about this (if I press Control-C in the terminal):

(c)ontinue, (d)ebug, e(x)it, (r)eset:

I get this prompt, but I can't do anything sensible:



Ctrl-C can interrupt a longer runnning process, then after hitting 'd' it may be possible to enter debug mode (see also 'debug' in the manual).

The behaviiour of Ctrl-C and subsequent commands is different on different platforms and also depends on the state newLISP is in at that moment. E.g. certain processes cannot be interrupted.



Thanks. I saw (debug) and (trace), but couldn't make anything work after seeing the 0> prompt. Only another Ctrl-C and then exit or reset worked.