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Topics - fdb

I really like (new)lisp and even the parentheses but they can get kind of annoying, especially at the end of function so in a flash of insight I got the idea to replace  the right parentheses with a subscripted count if there is more then one, see below original code:

(define (initial-clauses str)
  (set 'start (array rows columns (map int (explode str))))
  (for (row 0 (sub1 rows))
    (for (col 0 (sub1 columns))
      (when (> (start row col) 0)
        (push (string (to-var row col (sub1 (start row col))) " 0")

And below if run through sublisp:

(define (initial-clauses str)
  (set 'start (array rows columns (map int (explode str)₄
  (for (row 0 (sub1 rows)₂
    (for (col 0 (sub1 columns)₂
      (when (> (start row col) 0)
        (push (string (to-var row col (sub1 (start row col)₃ " 0")

And the code run through itself

(define (sublisp txt)
  (set 'offset 0x2080)
  (for (x 9 2 -1)
    (replace (dup ")" x)
             (string ")" (char (+ offset x)₅
   (print (string txt)₂

Now if someone hacks into newlisp to change this back before it gets translated you could even execute it!  ;-)

I've added newLISP bindings for DuckDB at">//

So what is DuckDB? Have a look at their website:">//

They state that :DuckDB is an embeddable SQL OLAP database management system

In practice it is almost like SQLITE (only much faster!) so the  API I made is almost the same as the sqlite3.lsp standard module. Only exception is that BLOB's are not supported (yet) (They are in DuckDB but IMHO of little use for the expected things you would do with it).

What also doesn't work (yet) is prepared SQL statements/parameter bindings so no protection against SQL injection attacks however since this will mostly be used as a single person DB this is probably not a big issue but maybe I'll add it later, the DuckDB dynamic library supports it.

What is different from the  SQLITE module is that there is a  *very* fast CSV  import & export command, on my laptop it creates a table and imports 1.5M records within a second!

Furthermore DuckDB is a columnar database (as opposed to SQLITE which is a row based db), which means that is is *much* faster for select statements with lots of aggregations, windows functions etc. What I was also looking for is a PIVOT statement, (think about MS Excel pivot tables) but this isn't supported as it needs dynamic column creation which is only possible (AFAIK) with some dynamic SQL creation so that is what I've also created on top of this API. I haven't included this in this API but will make a separate module for that.

I made Newlisp bindings to the Termbox library. With these bindings you can easily create text-based user interfaces in Newlisp. You can find it at">// Let me know what you think or if you have any questions!
I've made a GitHub repository with language support for newLISP in Visual Studio code:">//

If you don't now VS Code have a look at">//,  a very nice free editor, built on open source,  from Microsoft, runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Current state of the extension is it does newLISP syntax highlighting, launching a newLISP REPL and evaluating the active file in the REPL. What I want to add is several color theme's and snippets (to show function syntax and explanations when 'hovering').

This is how it looks with theme Monokai:">//

Blue: the 'meta' functions (define, define-macro, macro, fn, lambda, lambda-macro)

Red: mutable primitive functions (set, push, ..)

Green: non-mutable primitive functions (list, array, append, ..)

Purple: numbers (integers, floats, bigints, ..)

Yellow: strings

Grey: quoted literals and comments

White: the rest

If you want to collaborate,  need different colors or have ideas how to make this better, let me know!
I think newLISP is a great tool for tinkering with some ideas in your head, AKA 'exploratory computing'. If you like this as well maybe you'll also like the little write up below.

Recently I had to explain 'what is a prime' to my eldest daughter, while explaining 'there are an infinite number of primes' I thought, what about the distance between primes.., maybe there is a certain distribution?

I resisted the easiest way (google it) and went for the best (explore it in newLisp).

Ok , so we need to the primes, how to generate them ? Look in the documentation and I got this:

;; primes.lsp - return all primes in a list, up to n

(define (primes n , p)
  (dotimes (e n)
    (if (= (length (factor e)) 1)
      (push e p -1))) p)

Great a fast factor function! So how long this take for all the primes up to 1,000,000 ?
> > (time primes 1000000)

Ok within a second so how much primes are there?
> (length (primes 1000000))

So about 80000 primes /second, can we do better? Well an obvious improvement is to step through the odd numbers only and start with 2:
(define (primes-to n , (p-list '(2)))
(for (x 3 n 2)
(unless (rest (factor x))
(push x p-list -1)))

I really like my '(unless (rest (factor(.. bit here, so what about the time?
> (time (primes-to 1000000))

Aha! as expected almost twice as fast, now one last improvement before we go to the main topic, of course to generate primes has been known since antiquity so how does the  'Sieve of Eratosthenes' look in newLisp? Here is my version:
(define (sieve n)
(set 'arr (array (+ n 1)) 'lst '(2))
(for (x 3 n 2)
(when (not (arr x))
(push x lst -1)
(for (y (* x x) n (* 2 x) (> y n))
(setf (arr y) true))))

But is it faster then using the built in factor function?
> (time (sieve 1000000))

Not bad for antiquity, we'll be using this function from now on.So what we want to do now is calculate the distance between primes. After some tinkering I came up with this:(define (funlist lst func rev)
(if rev
(map func (chop lst) (rest lst))
(map func (rest lst) (chop lst))))

So a generic function which we can use to calculate the differences between consecutive list members:
> (funlist (sieve 1000) -)
(1 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 6 2 6 4 2 4 6 6 2 6 4 2 6 4 6 8 4 2 4 2 4 14 4 6 2 10 2 6 6 4 6
 6 2 10 2 4 2 12 12 4 2 4 6 2 10 6 6 6 2 6 4 2 10 14 4 2 4 14 6 10 2 4 6 8 6 6 4
 6 8 4 8 10 2 10 2 6 4 6 8 4 2 4 12 8 4 8 4 6 12 2 18 6 10 6 6 2 6 10 6 6 2 6 6 4
 2 12 10 2 4 6 6 2 12 4 6 8 10 8 10 8 6 6 4 8 6 4 8 4 14 10 12 2 10 2 4 2 10 14 4
 2 4 14 4 2 4 20 4 8 10 8 4 6 6 14 4 6 6 8 6)

Ok great no we want to count all the differences, we'll use this function:
(define (freq lst)
(let (ulist (unique (sort lst)))
(map list ulist (count ulist lst))))

It is so nice to have all this functions in newLISP like count!

So applying this we get:> (freq (funlist (sieve 1000) -))
((1 1) (2 35) (4 40) (6 44) (8 15) (10 16) (12 7) (14 7) (18 1) (20 1))

Hmm for all the primes below 1000, 6 is the most frequent difference,i didn't expect that, how about all the primes below 1,000,000 ? We probably need to sort the list to get the highest first, so lets make a function to use in the sort:(define (comp x y)
    (>= (last x) (last y)))

And use it:(sort(freq(funlist (sieve 1000000) -)) comp)
((6 13549) (2 8169) (4 8143) (12 8005) (10 7079) (8 5569) (18 4909) (14 4233) (16
 (24 2682)
 (20 2401)
 (22 2172)
 (30 1914)
 (28 1234)
 (26 1175)
 (36 767)
 (34 557)
 (32 550)

Definitely looks like number 6, does this take forever? Have a look at">//, hope you enjoyed this little  exercise!
Interested in playing with neural networks and don't want to use or learn python?  Now you can also use your favorite programming language!

I've converted the python program written by  Michael Nielsen from his his excellent on-line book at">// to newLisp. Presented some challenges as I'm not really well versed in Python or the library used (numpy) and I needed to brush up my knowledge on matrices as well to get it all working reasonably fast. (thanks Lutz for the fast matrix functions!).

With this version you can play with stochastic gradient descent for a feedforward neural network.I've included load and convert functions for the MNIST dataset, which is kind of a standard to test learning algorithms against. Download it from">// and with below program you're good to go.

Let me know if you encounter any bugs (most probably!) and Lutz let me know if and how this can can be included as a module.


;; Mini-batch stochastic gradient descent learning algorithm for a feedforward neural network in newLISP. Based on a python program and book by Michael Nielsen, see and below for the MIT license.

;Usage (nn:sgd) with arbitrary number and sequence of named parameters .
; For instance (nn:sgd eta 1 network '(784 100 10) lmbda 1), other parameters will use default values, see below.

;; network         contains the number of neurons in the respective layers of the network.  For example, if the list was [2, 3, 1] then it would be a three-layer network, with the first layer containing 2 neurons, the second layer 3 neurons, and the third layer 1 neuron. For the included MNIST data and load functions the first (input) layer has to contain 784 neurons and the last (ouptput) layer 10. There can be 0-n  number of (hiden) layers and neurons in  between.

;; epochs          The number of times the whole dataset is traversed
;; mini-batch-size the numnber of instances trained together
;; eta             the learning rate, positive number, try 0.1 or 1 or 10 and then tweak
;; number          the number of instances to train upon (max 60000 for number+test data together for the MNIST training data
;; test-data       the number of instances to test against, used for accuracy calculation
;; w-init          weight initiliazer function, choice between default-w and large-w
;; cost            cost function, choice between quadratic and cross-entropy
;; lmbda           used for regularization to prevent overfitting, must be greater or equal to zero.
;; i-path          path to the input file, for MNIST the name of the file is train-images.idx3-ubyte,
;; l-path          path to output file For MNIST the name of the file is train-labels.idx1-ubyte, download from

(context 'nn)

(define-macro (sgd)
'network '(784 20 10)
'epochs 10
'mini-batch-size 10
'eta 4
'number 10000
'test-data 100
'w-init default-w
'cost cross-entropy
'lmbda 0
'i-path "Downloads/train-images.idx3-ubyte"
'l-path "Downloads/train-labels.idx1-ubyte"
(when (args) (bind (explode (args) 2) true))
(when (< (length input) number)
(load-mnist-train-images (+ number test-data) i-path)
(load-mnist-train-labels (+ number test-data) l-path))
(set 'biases (map (fn(x) (array x 1 (normal 0 1 x))) (rest network)))
(set 'weights (map w-init (rest network) (chop network)))
(dotimes (j epochs)
(setq start (time-of-day))
(setq mini-batches (explode (randomize (sequence 0 number)) mini-batch-size))
(dolist (mb mini-batches)
(update-mini-batch mb))
(if test-data
(silent (fork (println "Epoch:"(+ j 1)
" Duration:"(/ (sub (time-of-day) start) 1000)
" Accuracy:" (format "%2.2f%%" (mul 100 (evaluate number (+ number (- test-data 1))))))))
(println "Epoch: " j " complete"))))

(define (update-mini-batch mini-batch)
  (set 'batchsize (length mini-batch))
  (backprop mini-batch)
(set 'biases (map (fn(b nb) (mat - b (mat * nb (div eta batchsize))))
(map (fn(x) (multiply x (array batchsize 1 '(1)))) nabla-b)))
(set 'weights (map (fn(w nw) (mat - (mat * w (sub 1 (mul eta (div lmbda number)))) (mat * nw (div eta batchsize))))

(define (backprop lst)
(set 'activations (list (transpose (map(fn (x) (flat (input x)))lst)))
'b-biases (map (fn(x) (multiply x (array 1 batchsize '(1)))) biases)
'b-weights weights
'nabla-b '() 'nabla-w '() 'zs '())
(dolist (bw (map list b-biases b-weights))
(push (mat + (multiply (bw 1) (activations -1)) (bw 0)) zs -1)
(push (sigmoid (zs -1)) activations -1))
(set 'delta (cost (activations -1) (transpose (map (fn(x) (flat (output x)))lst)) (zs -1)))
(push delta nabla-b)
(push (multiply delta (transpose (activations -2))) nabla-w)
(setq x -2)
(while (> x (sub (length network)))
(set 'delta (mat * (multiply (transpose (b-weights (+ x 1))) delta) (sigmoid-prime (zs x))))
(push delta nabla-b)
(push (multiply delta (transpose (activations (sub x 1)))) nabla-w)
(dec x)))

;; weight initializers
(define (default-w x y)
  (array x y (map (fn(z) (div z (pow x 0.5))) (normal 0 1 (* x y)))))

(define (large-w x y)
  (array x y (normal 0 1 (* x y))))

;; cost functions

(define (quadratic a y z)
(mat * (mat - a y) (sigmoid-prime z)))

(define (cross-entropy a y z)
(mat - a y))

;; utility functions

(define (ff f)
(let(a (list (input f)))
(argmax (flat(nth '(-1 -1)(map (fn (b w) (push (sigmoid (mat + (multiply w (a -1)) b)) a -1)) biases weights))))))

(define (ev nr)
(if (= (ff nr) (argmax(flat(output nr))))
1 0))

(define (evaluate start end)
(let (teller 0)
(for (x start end)
(inc teller (ev x)))
(div teller (+(- end start)1))))

(define (load-mnist-data var file number block offset)
  (let (buff (read-file file)
parse-bytes (dup "b " block)
lst '())
(for (x offset (+ (- offset 1) (* number block)) block)
(push (explode (unpack parse-bytes (slice buff x block))) lst -1))
(set var lst))true)

(define (load-mnist-train-images number i-path)
(load-mnist-data (sym 'input) i-path number 784 16)
(set 'input (map m-normalize (eval 'input)))true)

(define (load-mnist-train-labels number l-path)
(load-mnist-data (sym 'output) l-path number 1 8)
(set 'output (convert (eval 'output)))true)

(define (convert labels)
(map (fn (x) (setq t (dup 0 10)) (setq (t (x 0)) 1)(explode t)) labels))

(define (m-map function matrix)
(map (fn(x) (map function x)) matrix))

(define (sigmoid-n z)
(div 1 (add 1 (exp (sub  z)))))

(define (sigmoid-prime-n z)
(let (sig (sigmoid-n z))
(mul sig (sub 1 sig))))

(define (sigmoid m)
(m-map sigmoid-n m))

(define (sigmoid-prime m)
(m-map sigmoid-prime-n m))

(define (argmax lst)
(find (apply max lst) lst))

(define (shape lst)
(list (length lst)  (length (lst 0))))

(define (normalize n (qty 255))
(div n qty))

(define (m-normalize m )
(m-map normalize m))

(define (m-log m)
(m-map log m))

(define (m-log-1 m)
(m-map log-1 m))

(define (log-1 n)
(log (sub 1 n)))

(context 'MAIN)

; NewLIps version based on Python program wriiten by Michael Nielsen, see below license of Python program.

;MIT License

;Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Michael Nielsen

;Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

;The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


I'm trying to call the objc runtime from new lisp (from mac osx10.9) but i've got a problem:

> (set 'get-class (import "libobjc.dylib" "objc_getClass" "void*" "char*"))
> (get-class "NSString")

What am i doing wrong here? I was expecting a pointer to the NSString class. The definition of the c function is defined in Apple's Objective-C Runtime Reference:">//

Returns the class definition of a specified class.

id objc_getClass(const char *name)



The name of the class to look up.

Return Value

The Class object for the named class, or nil if the class is not registered with the Objective-C runtime.

I got the idea from this blog post">// which calls the objective-C runtime from Java by using the c-funtions:

objc_msgSend(), to pass messages to objects,

objc_getClass(), to get a pointer to a class and

selector_getUid(), to get the pointer to a selector.

> (map (apply +) '((0 1 2) (3 4 5)))
((0 1 2) (3 4 5))
> (map (fn(x) (apply + x)) '((0 1 2) (3 4 5)))
(3 12)

Why doesn't the first example work?
How can i delete rows and/or columns in a gs:table? there seems to be only the option to add them..or am i missing something?  Furthermore i cannot delete a gs:table when i try to do so with gs:dispose i get the message

dispose cannot be applied to MAIN:row-table