noob help - Google Data API?

Started by ax0n, December 07, 2007, 09:46:44 PM

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I'm wondering if anyone has bothered to mess with the Google Data APIs, specifically">Spreadsheets.

I'm kind of at a loss for where to get started.  Zend Framework has a class for PHP which I've managed to figure out how to use, but that's pretty much cheating.  Basically, once you authenticate and get a session to work with, google data is just a bunch of XML, but I'm still having trouble figuring out where to start.

I don't want anyone to go write something from scratch, but if anyone has messed with it and has some pointers for me, I'd appreciate it.

Thx :)



I haven't heard of anybody working on that.

I did work out access to Google Blogger once (">//