humble contribution: states & provinces 'contiguity chec

Started by tburton, July 09, 2006, 11:40:44 AM

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A couple years ago, I wrote an algorithm that checks whether a series of input (or is it inputted?) U.S. states and/or Canadian provinces were contiguous with eachother. It is used by a governmental agency as part of the process of validating applications for trucking licenses.  Although initially written in Java, I rewrote it in Cold Fusion for production because the latter was much faster!.  Later, I rewrote it while fooling around with python.

Then I discovered newLisp and found that all the hoopla about it was true after rewriting the algorithm again.  The newLisp version is more than half the number of lines than the previous languages and writing it in newLisp required a subtle change in consciousness that felt, to use an adjective posted more than once elsewhere, Zen-like in its focus and clarity.  Verrrry interesting.  

Anyway, the algorithm is below.  Needless to say, the bulk of the work consisted of setting up a data structure listing all North American jurisdictions and integers representing each jurisdiction's neighbors.  Since I'm a newbie, any feedback on how to make the code more 'lispy' would be appreciated!


;(set 'theInputStr "OR,CA,CO,ID,WA");not contig test

;(set 'theInputStr "OR,CA,ID,WA");contig test

(set 'testStr (replace "," (parse theInputStr)))

(if (< (length testStr) 2)


(println "You must input at least two jurisdictions.")


(set 'statesNeighbors

'(("AL" 1 2 3 4)

("AK" 5 138)

("AR" 6 7 8 9 10 11)

("AZ" 12 13 14 15 16)

("CA" 12 17 18 19)

("CO" 20 21 22 23 24 25)

("CT" 26 27 28)

("DE" 29 30 31)

("FL" 1 32)

("GA" 2 32 33 34 35)

("ID" 36 37 38 39 40 41 42)

("IL" 43 44 45 46 47)

("IN" 43 48 49 50)

("IA" 44 51 52 53 54 55)

("KS" 20 56 57 58)

("KY" 45 48 59 60 61 62 63)

("LA" 6 64 65)

("ME" 66 67 68)

("MD" 29 69 70 71 144)

("MA" 26 72 73 74 75)

("MI" 49 76 77 78)

("MN" 51 79 80 81 82 83)

("MS" 3 7 64 84)

("MO" 8 46 52 56 59 85 86 87)

("MT" 36 88 89 90 91 92 93)

("NE" 21 53 57 85 94 95)

("NV" 13 17 37 96 97)

("NH" 66 72 98 99)

("NJ" 30 100 101)

("NM" 14 22 102 103 104)

("NY" 27 73 100 105 106 107 108)

("NC" 33 109 110 111)

("ND" 79 88 112 113 114)

("OH" 50 60 76 115 116)

("OK" 9 23 58 86 102 117)

("OR" 18 38 96 118)

("PA" 31 69 101 105 115 119)

("RI" 28 74)

("SC" 34 109)

("SD" 54 80 89 94 112 120)

("TN" 4 10 35 61 84 87 110 121)

("TX" 11 65 103 117 122)

("UT" 15 24 39 97 123)

("VT" 75 98 106 124)

("VA" 62 70 111 121 125 145)

("WA" 40 118 126)

("WV" 63 71 116 119 125)

("WI" 47 55 77 81)

("WY" 25 41 90 95 120 123)

("AB" 91 127 128 142)

("BC" 5 42 92 126 127 139 140)

("MB" 82 113 129 130)

("NB" 67 131 132 134)

("NS" 131 135 137)

("ON" 78 83 107 129 133)

("QC" 68 99 108 124 132 133 136)

("SK" 93 114 128 130 141)

("PE" 134 135)

("NL" 136 137)

("NT" 140 141 142 143)

("YT" 138 139 143)

("MX" 16 19 104 122)

("DC" 144 145)))

(push "ZZ" testStr -1) ;postpend a marker for a batch (one complete loop)

;remove first state from testStr & push its neighbors into matchingBucket:

(set 'matchingBucket (rest (assoc (pop testStr) statesNeighbors)))

(set 'cntBatchNoChange 0)

(while (and (< cntBatchNoChange 2 ) (> (length testStr) 1))

(set 'tempState (pop testStr))

(if (!= tempState "ZZ")


(set 'tempStatesBoundaries (rest (assoc tempState statesNeighbors)))

;if there is one boundary common to this state and boundaries in matchingBucket:

;then push this state's boundaries into bucket

;else push (at tail) this state back into the testStr

(if (!= 0 (length (intersect tempStatesBoundaries matchingBucket)))


(push tempStatesBoundaries matchingBucket)

(set 'matchingBucket (unique (flat matchingBucket)))

(set 'cntBatchNoChange 0))


(push tempState testStr)

(rotate testStr -1))))

(begin ;if ZZ encountered

(push tempState testStr)

(rotate testStr -1)

(inc 'cntBatchNoChange))))

(if (> (length testStr) 1)


(replace "ZZ" testStr)

(println "not contiguous because of " testStr))

(println "contiguous!"))


Nice, this is one of those programs which would make sense to have in modules collection.



Hey, nice work Tim. Not sure whether 'humble' is the right word. Looks a lot better than some of my rubbish... :-)

From what i can see it looks sufficiently Lisp-y already. I've never heard of 'buckets' before, but they look useful.

As an alternative to the nestings and (begin ... statements, you could investigate some re-factoring and possibly using 'cond':

(define (common-boundary)
;if there is one boundary common to this state and boundaries in matchingBucket:
;then push this state's boundaries into bucket
;else push (at tail) this state back into the testStr
(let (boundaries (length (intersect tempStatesBoundaries matchingBucket)))
((!= boundaries 0 )  (push tempStatesBoundaries matchingBucket)
(set 'matchingBucket (unique (flat matchingBucket)))
(set 'cntBatchNoChange 0))
(true (push tempState testStr)
(rotate testStr -1)))))

(while (and (< cntBatchNoChange 2 ) (> (length testStr) 1))
(set 'tempState (pop testStr))
((!= tempState "ZZ")  
                  (set 'tempStatesBoundaries (rest (assoc tempState statesNeighbors)))
                  (push tempState testStr)
                  (rotate testStr -1)
                  (inc 'cntBatchNoChange))))

But like many people I suspect, 'cond' doesn't race to the fingertips as quickly as  an 'if' expression.


Oh, thanks.  Yes, I'll need to remember COND, which appears like CASE in other languages...