Some cool marketing for newLISP from Kanen ...

Started by cormullion, October 21, 2010, 09:38:48 AM

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Heard on the VFX podcast #110:

Mike Seymour: "for those of you who don't know, [Kanen] has a very strong background in security, programming, and what I like to refer to as "Big H" hacking. You've been into programming stuff for years?

Kanen: That's true and in fact, ironically,  I'm in lovely Boca Raton hanging out with the creator of the programming language called newLISP. It's the most popular Lisp out there, and i just spoke at a conference yesterday, my birthday, called Hacker Halted...

I love that 'most popular Lisp out there', Kanen! No argument from me, at least... :)


Did I really say that?

Well, it's my favorite and has the best community, anyway!

I'm speaking at">// in a month and talking about newLisp there too. The front page (as of right now) mistakenly identifies me as the "Creator of Lisp" ;)

I sent an email letting them know that:

a) I am not the creator of Lisp (duh)

b) My BIO on their own site mentions no such thing

Marketing folks aside, it looks to be an interesting (Big "H" hacker) conference and I'm doing a newLisp presentation!
. Kanen Flowers[/url] .


I suppose it shows how little the worlds of security and Lisp overlap... Hope it goes well!