command without paranthesis?

Started by HPW, October 23, 2003, 10:01:38 AM

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In autolisp you can define a lisp-command without paranthesis by make an defun with an "C:" before the lisp-function name.

(defun C:Testfunc () (setq banana 1))

At the console-prompt you can type "Testfunc" and it's starts.

Would it be possible to add such or similar option to newlisp.

When we make then an application with a console window

a direct command-typing would be possible without paranthesis.

The command would then ask interactivly about input data.


After some thoughts about the problem, it should be possible just by modifying the TCL-code of the console. Just compare the input against a command-list and when the input-string is in the command-list, make a proper lisp-call out of it and send it to newlisp. So the define could stay as it is and we have only to set up the command-list.


The function to modify in newlisp-tk.tcl would be 'ProcessConsoleInput()' before the second to last line which says: 'puts $nlio $lastCommand' , you could check the contents of last command and than replace it with a newLISP command with parenthesis etc.:

----------------- before -------------------



   puts $nlio $lastCommand

   flush $nlio

----------------- after ---------------------



   if { $lastCommand == "dir" } { set lastCommand "(directory)" }

   if { $lastCommand == "syms" } { set lastCommand "(symbols)" }


   puts $nlio $lastCommand

   flush $nlio


I tried it out and it works fine for me.



Thanks again Lutz,

Exactly what I wanted to do, but I was not so fast as you.

(You know your code best)

That is what I like very much on newlisp:

Powerfull flexibility!!

First class response-quality and time!


For a more general solution I do this:

#In the global var-section

set Ide(DirectConsoleCmd)   {dir syms}

set Ide(DirectLispCmd)      {directory symbols}

#in proc ProcessConsoleInput

# if { $lastCommand == "dir" } { set lastCommand "(directory)" }
# if { $lastCommand == "syms" } { set lastCommand "(symbols)" }

if { [llength $Ide(DirectConsoleCmd)] > 0 } {
set cmdpos [lsearch $Ide(DirectConsoleCmd) $lastCommand]
if { $cmdpos > -1 } {
set lastCommand "("
append lastCommand [lindex $Ide(DirectLispCmd) $cmdpos] ")"

Now I want to set it dynamicly from lisp. See the different thread on problems with accessing TK-variables. Then no re-wrap is needed.


Another little improvment:

if { [llength $Ide(DirectConsoleCmd)] > 0 } {
set cmdpos [lsearch $Ide(DirectConsoleCmd) [string tolower $lastCommand]]
if { $cmdpos > -1 } {
set lastCommand "("
append lastCommand [lindex $Ide(DirectLispCmd) $cmdpos] ")"

With this the commands are case-insensitive.


if { [llength $Ide(DirectConsoleCmd)] > 0 } {
      set cmdpos [lsearch -exact $Ide(DirectConsoleCmd) [string tolower $lastCommand]]
      if { $cmdpos > -1 } {
       set lastCommand "("
       append lastCommand [lindex $Ide(DirectLispCmd) $cmdpos] ")"

Adding the '-exact' option will prevent to activate the first command through input of '*'. Or something like 'd*'. Only the exact command will trigger.