ANNOUNCE: A Simple Genetic Algorithm in NewLisp...

Started by oofoe, September 17, 2016, 07:38:10 AM

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In my quest to construct a program to derive the question to the answer of Life, the Universe and Everything (which is, as any schoolchild knows, 42), I wrote a very simple genetic algorithm solver.

I don't mean simple as in "simple to use", I mean absolute braindead simple. By some definitions, this is not really a genetic algorithm because the "genome" is the same as the data being operated on (there is no "expression"), but it's a cute toy and somebody else might find it entertaining as well:"> ... at=default">

I am currently hard at work on a new program which will use a genetic algorithm to do lossy image compression through vector shapes, just have to teach NewLisp about reading %.png files...
Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.


Incidentally, here's how to determine if a file is a png image using the standard libpng library:

;; C library functions.
(import "msvcrt.dll" "fopen")
(import "msvcrt.dll" "fread")

;; PNG library functions.
(import "libpng16-16.dll" "png_sig_cmp")

(define (pngfile? path)
  "( path -- f) Determines if path is a %.png file."

  (letn ((header "XXXXXXXX")
(fp (fopen path "rb")))
(fread header 1 (length header) fp)
(zero? (png_sig_cmp header 0 (length header)))))

Sorry, Windows only at this point. UNIX users please substitute library names as appropriate.
Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.


Genetic algorithms are great. You also might be interested in fuzzy logic. Similarly to genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic can solve mathematically complex problems in a simple way. This book uses newLISP for all examples:

A Practical Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using LISP

By Luis Argüelles Méndez (arguelles on this forum)">