newLISP? Never Heard of It

Started by m i c h a e l, May 25, 2006, 09:36:40 PM

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m i c h a e l

Here is a sad story. What happens when you go to">PLNews: Programming Language News and look through all of the posts under the Lisp category? We notice a strange absence. Can you guess what it is? Hey! No fair, those of you who already clicked through ;-)

No newLISP! There's SBCL and there's Allegro. And something called TwinLisp. Let's see what it says. TwinLisp is described as "drawing from Common Lisp, but offering a C-like syntax." (I'm speechless.) Now that I've had a chance to compose myself, I see GNU CLISP and CMUCL. Embeddable Common-Lisp (never trust a language that you can so easily embed ;-) and LispWorks Personal Edition. Armed Bear Common Lisp (isn't that a great name?) and . . . well, you get the idea.

I tried to find out how to do submissions, but alas, I failed. Hope to try again later when I have more time to investigate.

PLNews has been an online staple of mine for quite some time. I sure do wish I'd found out about newLISP sooner, though. Maybe there are some poor souls reading PLNews at this very moment, searching for that special programming language that will liberate them from the tyranny of language mediocrity, and finding . . . well, they don't find newLISP, that's for sure :-(

m i c h a e l


I know the url, beside of that, you hit the question right on the Head!

"Why is it called newlisp?" the common question always is (in general).

(not adressing you personaly)

Well.. look indeed at the other Lisp-Flavors ..duh!..

...and newlisp is not even that bad at all ;-)

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Hello. I run the PLNews site.

I hadn't posted anything regarding newLISP because I wasn't aware of it until today. But I have since subscribed to the news feed, so I should be alerted to future developments.

Also, submissions can be emailed to plnews _at_



m i c h a e l

This sad story appears to have a happy ending! Thank you, Al, for making it so :-)

m i c h a e l

P.S. Has anyone here read">PLNews lately? ;-)

m i c h a e l

It seems our friend Al over at">PLNews has lost his subscription to the news feed. The last newLISP entry is for 9.4.4 on July 27! Did something change on to cause this?

Are you still here, Al?

m i c h a e l


Thanks for pursuing this.

Nothing has changed on, where the same meta tag still points to"> . And others are clearly picking it up typically at the same day news is posted. So I think the registration of this got lost at PLNews for some reason.