development release newLISP 9.2.16

Started by Lutz, January 14, 2008, 12:43:53 PM

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More bug-fixes for the 9.3 release on February 1st.

Files and changes notes:">  


m i c h a e l

Hi Lutz!

Thanks for the new release.

I've been incorporating the new syntax of assoc and set-assoc into the latest FOOP script and was surprised set-assoc didn't work like replace-assoc in the following way:

(replace-assoc Lid (Jar (Lid))) ;=> (Jar) and $0 is (Lid)
(set '$0 nil)
(set-assoc ((Jar (Lid)) Lid)) ;=> (Jar (Lid)) and $0 is (Lid)

Is this intentional?

m i c h a e l


Yes, this is intentional. 'set-assoc' should behave like all other 'set'- functions returning the current version of the object, if the second argument is missing. In this case 'set-assoc' does not behave like 'replace-assoc', which can delete the element referenced.

In this case consistency with other 'set'- functions is more important than to maintain delete functionality  from 'replace-assoc', which will stay until something else can take its place.

There is a lot more to say about this, but without introducing a new pair of functions (e.g. pop-ref pop-assoc) for eliminating elements in a list by search, the current situation seems to be a good compromise.
