(process "telnet")

Started by nallen05, June 21, 2009, 10:00:54 AM

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I am trying to script some tests for a network card with newLISP on Windows XP

When I execute (process "telnet") the telnet application hijacks my cmd prompt (so I can't interact with newlisp until I close telnet) and no input/output from newlisp makes it to/from the telnet process.

Is there a way to control telnet from newLISP with `process'?

Thanks for your time



I'm not a windows user, but the manual suggests to me that it might be difficult without using peek.

(map set '(myin telnetout) (pipe))
(map set '(telnetin myout) (pipe))  

(set 'p (process "/usr/bin/telnet" telnetin telnetout))

(define (telnet s)
   (write-buffer myout (string s "n"))  
   (do-while (!= (peek myin) 0)
       (println "; " (read-line myin))))

(telnet "status")

; telnet> No connection.
; Escape character is '^]'.

(telnet "open")

; telnet: connect to address Connection refused
; telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

(destroy p)

which at least looks vaguely promising - the peek helps to get the multiple output lines. But I noticed that the response "Trying" normally seen in the interactive command wasn't collected.

The manual says "Not all interactive console applications can have their standard I/O channels remapped." This might be the case here...



hey cormullion

thanks for the quick response :-)

unfortuanatly there is no peek on windows!

my guess is an oddity in the behavior of telnet.exe itself, since people seem to be having trouble scripting it with other languages/tools:


I downloaded netcat for windows and (process "nc -t <ip> <port>" ncin ncout) seems to be doing the trick. Now I just have to figure out how to filter out all the goat vomit ;-)

thanks again



In the Code Patterns document, there should be something about "pipes"   You should be using pipes for this.

Cavemen in bearskins invaded the ivory towers of Artificial Intelligence.  Nine months later, they left with a baby named newLISP.  The women of the ivory towers wept and wailed.  \"Abomination!\" they cried.


"STD I/O pipes" or "scripts as pipes"? STD I/O pipes don't seem to work with any telnet application I can find for Windows.

FWIW I moved on to NET-CONNECT/NET-PEEK/NET-RECEIVE/NET-SEND and am having good results directly reading and writing bytes to the telnet server from newlisp...