newLISP Fan Club

Forum => newLISP in the real world => Topic started by: HPW on November 30, 2003, 10:30:59 AM

Title: Multiple instances of newLISP-tk (Auto-configuration)
Post by: HPW on November 30, 2003, 10:30:59 AM
In the help is a description how to run multiple instances of newLISP-tk.

But this is not a good way for end-users.

So with a little mofification of newLISP-tk it is possible to do it with TCL.

# global variables
set sessionId 1                   ;#Number 1 to start session counting
set sessionCur 0                  ;#Number of running session

By the way: newLISPpid is twice in the varlist!!

proc ExitProc {} {

global nlio TCLTKsock TCLTKlisten newLISPpid sessionId Ide
catch { close $nlio }
catch { close TCLTKsock }
catch { close TCLTKlisten }
set tdir $Ide(TempDir)
append tdir "/newlisp" $sessionId ".log"
if {[file exists $tdir] == 1 } {file delete $tdir}
catch { exec kill $newLISPpid }

########### Start newLISP in port server mode to handle requests from Tcl/Tk ##############

# start local copy of newLISP only if running newLISP and newLISP-tk on the same host
# else assume that newLISP already has been started at the remote $Ide(NewLISPhost)
if { $remoteFlag == 0 } {
while { $sessionCur == 0 } {
set tdir $Ide(TempDir)
append tdir "/newlisp" $sessionId ".log"
if {[file exists $tdir] == 0 } {
set sessionCur $sessionId
set logFile [open $tdir w]
puts $logFile "# newLISPX.log"
append sessionline "# This file is generated by session: " $sessionId
puts $logFile $sessionline
puts $logFile "#n"
close $logFile
} else {
set sessionId [expr $sessionId + 1]
set Ide(newLISPport) [expr $Ide(NewLISPport) + 2]
set Ide(TCLTKport) [expr $Ide(TCLTKport) + 2]
set newLISPpid [exec newlisp -p $Ide(newLISPport) &] }

# connect to newLISP

Now you can start newlisp as often as you like.