why don't this work?

Started by ericsm, April 13, 2006, 05:06:05 PM

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why doesn't the following work?

(define (addcustomer )

  (set 'namee (read-line))

  (set 'street (read-line))

  (push '((namee) (street)))customer)

The part that isn't working is: (push '((namee) (street)))customer)
I am a newbe so please help me


Try this program:

; test
(define (addcustomer)
        (set 'namee (read-line))
        (set 'street (read-line))
        (push (list namee street)  customer))

now execute it:

~> newlisp test
newLISP v.8.8.0 on OSX UTF-8, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

> (addcustomer)
John Doe
123 Main Street, Anytown    
("John Doe" "123 Main Street, Anytown")



As for why. First:


is trying unsuccessfully to evaluate the first item in this list as the function namee.


'(namee street)

will produce (namee street), because the quote prevents these symbols from being evaluated.

So your original code:

'((namee) (street)))

is doing two things that you don't want: preventing evaluation of a list of lists, and trying to evaluate those lists and failing to find useful functions.

WIthout the doubled parentheses:

(push '(namee street) customer)

you would have a nice unevaluated list of symbols:

> (push '(namee street) customer)
(namee street)

Since namee contains information you want, evaluate it.