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Messages - kinghajj

newLISP newS /
March 13, 2008, 09:40:23 PM">//

Homepage of the newLISP development Git mirror.

If you have Git installed, use this to get the a clone of the repo:

git clone git://

Then use this in the repo directory to receive updates:

git pull

I'll update this whenever Lutz releases a new development version.
newLISP newS / newLISP and an SCM?
March 13, 2008, 10:30:05 AM
Lutz, do you think that you could start using an SCM (preferably Git) to track changes to newLISP, and hosting a public repo? I'd like to have access to the latest, cutting-edge version of newLISP to help change the code in any way I can, and I think many others would like that, too.
newLISP newS / "Autocurrying?"
February 15, 2008, 11:15:37 AM
I've started to learn F# (a OCaml-like language for .NET), and one feature that really struck me is automatic currying. Here's a newLISP-syntax example of what I mean (it is not valid newLISP code):

(define (add-nums a b)
  (+ a b)
(setq add10 (add-nums 10))
(add10 3) ; => 13

Basically, when you "call" a function without supplying it every argument, it returns a curried function that expects the takes the next arguments.

Could something like this be added to newLISP? I realize that breaking current code is bad, but there could be an "autocurry" macro:

(define (add-nums a b)
  (+ a b))
(autocurry add-nums)

I've tried to implement an autocurry in newLISP, but hit a wall because it's difficult to differentiate between a "nil" passed by default and a "nil" passed by the caller.
newLISP newS /
December 24, 2007, 11:51:48 AM
Those are hash functions, not encryption algorithms, but they are still useful.
newLISP newS / RC4 Encryption for newLISP
December 24, 2007, 12:38:31 AM">//

; example usage
(rc4-encrypt (rc4-encrypt "Hello!" "World"))
; => "Hello!"

RC4 is much better than a one-time pad for practical applications.

I would have implemented this is a primitive, builtin function, but the documentation doesn't cover that. It'd be much easier to do that then to depend on a library whose name is different on different platforms.
newLISP newS /
November 10, 2007, 04:14:47 PM
I made some improvements to my define-class module.

  • -The functions documented with newlispdoc.

    -Instead of "inherits", the keyword is now "mixin" or "mixins".

    -Each class can now mixin more than one other class.">//
newLISP newS /
November 08, 2007, 09:01:49 PM
OK, Here's the code to my "define-class" macro. There's one little issue with the attribute setters, in that they do not modify the original data, but rather make a new object with the changed attribute. However, because newLISP encourages this sort of style, maybe it will stay this way.

;; define-class.nlsp
;; by Samuel Fredrickson <kinghajj>
;; Version 0.1, 2007-11-08
;; This "macro" (it's really an entire context) lets newLISP programmers write
;; classes in an easier way. The classes and objects produced by this class
;; follow the standard set in
;; by Lutz, and uses some
;; techniques by Michael in that same thread.

; The object-colon macro, by Lutz and Michael. This might become a builtin macro
; in the next version of newLISP, and this will be removed if that happens.
(define-macro (: _func _obj)
(let (_data (eval _obj))
(apply (sym _func (_data 0)) (cons _data (map eval (args))))))

(context 'define-class)

; In Michael's example of "FOOP", he uses defaults in constructor arguments so
; that objects can be created without specifying any arguments. Because that is
; valid newLISP code and has good uses, this function takes the variable names
; and their defaults and extracts just the variable names.
(define (extract-class-vars vars)
(lambda (var)
(if (list? var)
(first var)
(if (symbol? var)

; Tests if a list is a method.
(define (method? meth?)
(= (first meth?) 'define)
(= (first meth?) 'define-macro)))

; Extracts methdods from a list.
(define (extract-methods lst)
(filter method? lst))

; Tests if a list specifies a superclass.
(define (inherits? inh?)
(= (sym (first inh?)) 'inherits))

; Returns the name of the superclass.
(define (extract-superclass lst)
((filter inherits? lst) 0 1))

; Fills in missing parts of a method.
(define (mess-up-method method)
((method-type (first method))
(method-name (sym (method 1 0) class-name))
(method-args (cons method-name (1 (method 1))))
(method-body (2 method)))
(cons method-type (cons method-args method-body))))

; Creates the class context and its constructor.
(define (construct-class)
((constructor-name (cons (sym class-name class-name) class-vars-plain)))
(if class-superclass
(new class-superclass class-name)
(context class-name))
(cons 'list (cons class-name class-vars))))))

; Creates a getter/setter function for a variable.
(define (create-getter-setter var idx)
((getter-setter-name (sym var class-name)))
(set getter-setter-name
'(lambda-macro (self value)
(if (setq value (eval value))
(set-nth idx (eval self) value)
((eval self) idx))) 'idx))))

; This is the meat of the macro.
(define-macro (define-class:define-class init)
((clargs (args))
(class-name (init 0))
(class-superclass (extract-superclass clargs))
(class-vars-plain (1 init))
(class-vars (extract-class-vars class-vars-plain))
(class-methods (map mess-up-method (extract-methods clargs))))
(map eval class-methods)
(dolist (var class-vars)
(create-getter-setter var (+ $idx 1)))))

Here is an example usage, based on Michael's code. The main difference between this and the idea I posted yesterday is that methods here do not implicitly take self, so it must be specified, a la Python.

;; Example usage of define-class, based on code by Michael.
(load "define-class.nlsp")

(define-class (displayable)
(define (string self)
(string self))
(define (print self)
(println (:string self))))

(define-class (point (x 0) (y 0))
(inherits displayable)
(define (string self)
(string "(" (:x self) ", " (:y self) ")"))
(define (move self dx dy)
(point:+ self (point dx dy)))
(define (+) (point:apply + (args)))
(define (-) (point:apply - (args)))
(define (*) (point:apply * (args)))
(define (apply op ags)
(cons point (apply map (cons op (map (fn (e) (1 e)) ags))))))

(define-class (segment (a (point)) (b (point)))
(inherits displayable)
(define (string self)
(string (:string (:a self)) " to " (:string (:b self))))
(define (move self dx dy)
(segment (:move (:a self) dx dy) (:move (:b self) dx dy))))

(define-class (triangle (ab (segment)) (bc (segment)) (ca (segment)))
(inherits displayable)
(define (string self)
(:string (:ab self)) ", "
(:string (:bc self)) ", "
(:string (:ca self))))
(define (move self dx dy)
(:move (:ab self) dx dy)
(:move (:bc self) dx dy)
(:move (:ca self) dx dy))))

(println "nMaking three points:")
(:print (set 'a (point)))
(:print (set 'b (point 20 0)))
(:print (set 'c (point 10 5)))

(println "nPoint addition, subtraction, and multiplication:")
(:print (point:+ a b c))
(:print (point:- a b c))
(:print (point:* (point 2 43) '(point 22 1) c))

(println "nMaking a triangle:")
(:print (set 'tri (triangle (segment a b) (segment b c) (segment c a))))

(println "nMove the triangle by delta (30 5):")
(:print (set 'tri (:move tri 30 5)))

newLISP newS /
November 07, 2007, 11:36:58 PM
Looking at Michael's code, I noticed that there are many redundancies with making classes. How about a macro to define classes?

;; D I S P L A Y A B L E
(define-class (displayable)
   (define (string)
      (string self))
   (define (print)
      (println (:string self))))

;; P O I N T
(define-class (point (x 0) (y 0))
   (inherits displayable)
   (define (string)
      (string (:x self) "@" (:y self)))
   (define (move dx dy)
      (point:+ self (point dx dy)))
   (define (+) (point:apply + (args)))
   (define (-) (point:apply - (args)))
   (define (*) (point:apply * (args)))
   (define (apply op ags)
      (cons point (apply map (cons op (map (fn (e) (1 e)) ags))))))

;; S E G M E N T
(define-class (segment (a (point)) (b (point)))
   (inherits displayable)
   (define (string)
      (string (:string (:a self)) " to " (:string (:b self))))
   (define (move dx dy)
      (segment (:move (:a self) dx dy) (:move (:b self) dx dy))))

;; T R I A N G L E
(define-class (triangle (ab (segment)) (bc (segment)) (ca (segment)))
   (inherits displayable)
   (define (string)
         (:string (:ab self)) ", "
         (:string (:bc self)) ", "
         (:string (:ca self))))
   (define (move dx dy)
         (:move (:ab self) dx dy)
         (:move (:bc self) dx dy)
         (:move (:ca self) dx dy))))

As you can see, in my idea, all methods take an implicit "self" argument, and getters/setters for all object variables are automatically defined. There is also a simple way to specify inheritance.

I've begun work on a macro to do this, but it might take me a while. Perhaps this macro could be done better in the C API.
newLISP newS /
September 16, 2007, 01:01:35 AM
Quote from: "newBert"
Quote from: "kinghajj"I got a segmentation dump when trying dostring.

> (dostring (c "hello") c)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Maybe :
> (dostring (c "hello") (println c))
works better !


But the point is that the code I wrote, while useless, should not crash the program.
newLISP newS /
September 15, 2007, 11:53:54 PM
I got a segmentation dump when trying dostring.

> (dostring (c "hello") c)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
newLISP newS /
September 15, 2007, 02:02:43 PM
64-bit OSes are usually near-100% compatible with their 32-bit counterparts. The 64-bit versions of Windows, for example, have a special library that re-implements 32-bit Windows on 64-bit Windows, allowing you to run any 32-bit program. I'm sure that Mac OS X will be no different.

The main advantage with 64-bit processors is more memory and more efficient calculations. 64-bit processors have a theoretical limit of 17,179,869,184 GiB of memory, and because the word length is twice as large as a 32-bit processor's, bigger numbers can be more easily transfered. That makes things like video editing, encryption, etc. faster.

For Macs, I'm surprised a 64-bit version of Mac OS X hasn't been out already, since all current Mac processors since the switch to Intel have been 64-bit.
I use a 64-bit Linux distro, so this suggestion might not apply to all versions of newLISP.

I've written a very simple Reverse Polish Notation calculator in C. To store numbers, the data type I chose was "long double." With this, I am able to calculate large numbers such as 2^2048 (*). In newLISP, however, even with a 64-bit build, trying to calculate just 2^1024 returns "inf," and 2^1023 only returns "8.988465674e+307." Is it possible to enable use of "long double" on at least 64-bit builds?

(*) 2^2048 =









And my program happily computes up to 2^16383 (a 4301 digit number); at 2^16384 it returns "inf." I think it's safe to say that 2^16383 is a number that will not practically be needed for some time. In cryptography, however, 2^1024 is a relatively "low" number, so I think newLISP needs to address this issue.
newLISP newS /
September 14, 2007, 10:27:31 AM
Thanks, Lutz. I was wondering this morning how to do that, and using a macro did come to mind, but I was too busy to work on that.
newLISP newS / define-struct
September 14, 2007, 09:04:51 AM
Somebody mentioned wanting a defstruct macro in newLISP, so here's my attempt at implementing one.

(define (truncate lst size)
(let ((len (length lst)))
(if (<= len size)
(append lst (dup nil (- size len)))
(chop lst (- len size)))))

(define-macro (define-struct params)
(let ((items (args))
     (struct-name (params 0)))
(eval (expand (quote
(define (struct-name)
(truncate (args) n)))
(list 'struct-name struct-name)
(list 'n (length items)))))
(dolist (item items)
(eval (expand (quote
(define (item-getter-setter struct value)
(if value
(set-nth idx struct value)
(struct idx))))
(list 'item-getter-setter (sym (string struct-name "-" item)))
(list 'idx $idx)))))))

Here's an example usage.

(define-struct (point) x y z)
(setq point1 (point 2 4 6))
(println "point1 = (" (point-x point1) "," (point-y point1) "," (point-z point1) ")")
newLISP newS /
September 13, 2007, 02:06:55 AM
Wow, that is a much cleaner version of truncate! Here's a more concise version.

(define (truncate lst size)
  (let ((len (length lst)))
    (if (<= len size)
      (append lst (dup nil (- size len)))
      (chop lst (- len size)))))

I'll use this in the next release. Thanks.