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Topics - hilti

What happened to cormullion's blog? It's offline and gone from the google index.

Does anyone have a clue?


Dragonfly / The Dragonfly showcase
December 15, 2010, 11:04:42 AM

It's always interesting for me how people use software for their needs. It would be cool, if we put together a list of web projects where Dragonfly or newLISP is used.

This is my list of projects:

Short SEO onpage analysis (Dragonfly 0.51)">//

My personal playground (Appigale micro framework (newLISP))">//

DESBUY - a visual search for designer furniture (work in progress; Dragonfly 0.70; to be released  in January 2011)

Here's the story:">// (in german of course) ;-)">//
Dragonfly / Google said "Thank You" to
December 15, 2010, 10:54:29 AM">//

I got this recently for a campaign running in AdWords for promoting the Dragonfly framework ;-)


I'm expecting some problems in creating big hashes, when running the following code.

(define Bigtree:Bigtree)
(new Tree 'Bigtree)

(define (fill-tree)
(for (x 1 20000)
(Bigtree (string (random 10 5)) (string (random 5 5)))

(define (show-size name)
(length name)

(define (show-tree name)


(show-size (Bigtree))

The code creates a hash and inserts 20000 random values into it.

On the first iteration (show-size) returns 20000

After running (fill-tree) another round the function (show-size) returns 39998

Doing this again will return 59995.

Am I doing something wrong with the hashes?


newLISP runs on a Nokia N900 perfectly!

I just ran across this project: python on a chip">//

Very interesting. Just imagine how cool it would be to run newLISP on Arduino or mBed (">//


newLISP Graphics & Sound / Stream Graphs
November 18, 2009, 09:24:20 AM">

These graphs are so cool. Does anyone know how to do them in newLISP?


newLISP in the real world / XML parsing problems
November 06, 2009, 05:31:53 AM

I'm trying to implement a simple RSS and ATOM reading function, but I got some problems in parsing this kind of elements

Example from RSS feed

<dc:creator>By ROBERT D. McFADDEN</dc:creator>

This one doesn't work

; TODO: Problems in parsing media:content - ask the forum
;(lookup '(media:content @ url) item) "<br/>"

You can check out my current efforts on this page:">//



I need some help in accessing the Google analytics data API. My problem is:

;; use of curl because newLISP get-url doesn't work with HTTPS
;; save response token
(set 'token (exec "curl '' "))
(print token)

This way I got a string back from Google for authentication. But how Do I replace Email and Passwd with variables? I don't get it. I tried this:

;; use of curl because newLISP get-url doesn't work with HTTPS
;; save response token
(set 'email "")
(set 'passwd "secret")
(set 'token (exec "curl ''"email"'&Passwd='"passwd"' "))
(print token)

Thanks for help!

Did anyone ever connect with newLISP to an IMAP server? I know there's a pop3-module, but I didn't find something for the IMAP Protocol.

I'd like to test some of newLISPs string functions on my mails - hopefully some of them get lost ;-)


During the last weeks I analyzed a lot of web frameworks like Rails, Django, Merb or CodeIgniter. When running some sample applications it felt like carrying a lot of unneeded things around.

My first contact with rails seems like: WOW - I love that thing! You know I was impressed by this "writing a blog app in 20 minutes" screencast. Just a few days later I stucked in my first rails deployment.

Merb seems to be lighter. quicker. But not as easy to learn as Rails.

CodeIgniter is a really cool framework for PHP. Lightweight. Quick and it comes with a very good user guide. But in some cases it feels not elegant, e.g. working on lists or arrays.

Now I'd like to know: what Do You think a web framework needs?
Dragonfly / Dragonfly - a web framework for newLISP
June 26, 2009, 02:51:13 AM

a week ago I started my project "Dragonfly". Now there's something to show, so it needs his own topic.

Currently Dragonfly (version 0.06) includes the following features

- generating HTML tables from lists

- generate several HTML tags (e.g. image, script, rss)

- a sliding panel with debugging information

- a very simple page-controller

- some basic functions for form generation

You can download on Google Code">

I'd like to hear comments, feedback, ideas - just feel free to do.


Marc aka Hilti
Hi Fan Club!

This is my day three on newLISP and my first post in this forums. Originally I came from PHP, took a short trip with Rails and discovered newLISP via a short research on the XEROX Star.

Yes - the XEROX Star - an old, but so impressive system which runs completely on LISP. I googled about LISP and found this forum. That's my story :-)

I'm very impressed about the work Lutz has done!!

Back to my topic:

Is it possible to serve multiple applications on Port 80 with the builtin newLISP webserver?

Maybe we could use the newLISP Wiki to build up some great HOW-TO tutorials.

What Do you think?

Best Regards from Germany!
