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Messages - hsmyers

Whither newLISP? /
July 12, 2009, 01:11:06 PM
Ah! Bad me for not RTFM-ing!! 'silent' will do quite nicely. Thanks!

On page 40 in bullet list underneath Building Lists, "cons prepends an element to a list or make a list" should be "...makes a list".

newLISP newS / Typo in the User Manual pdf version
July 12, 2009, 01:27:41 AM
Page 270, last line of the displayed code, RREPLACE_ONCE should be REPLACE_ONCE.

Normally when I'm coding I depend on the bouncing cursor to tell me which expression I'm closing up, but I noticed that the cursor will match lines that have been commented out. I suspect that this is not intended?

Whither newLISP? /
July 12, 2009, 01:21:19 AM
Of course. So could we have one--- pretty please?

Whither newLISP? / Values and void
July 10, 2009, 09:03:05 PM
In CL and scheme empty version of values and void are used to indicate nothing is returned.

(define (f)
  (print 5)


(defun f ()
  (format #t "~d~%" 5)

Is there a newLISP equivalent? If not could there be?

newLISP Graphics & Sound / Cut, Paste etc. in IDE
July 10, 2009, 03:18:30 PM
Under Windows XP with the latest code, ^Z, ^V, ^X don't seem to set the 'this file has changed flag'.

newLISP newS /
July 09, 2009, 01:46:14 PM
I like your rule of "macros should be used only if one cannot use functions". I think that this is where programmers coming from other languages and more C/C++ style 'macros' possibly get confused. They are thinking of text replacement where as lisp is more like language replacement.

newLISP newS / Simple macros
July 09, 2009, 06:37:58 AM
Are there advantages/dis-advantages to implementing simple one-liners as macros? For instance
(define (even? n)
   (zero? (% n 2)))

versus the macro definition.

newLISP newS / Docs and PDF
July 08, 2009, 09:08:55 PM
I know you are working (or were) on PDF files for the new documentation. Could you include the doc on the GUI as well?

newLISP newS /
August 30, 2008, 12:29:41 AM
Excellent! Can't have too much documentation about a computer language— more is always better. Cormullion, a job well done, thank you!

newLISP and the O.S. /
August 28, 2008, 08:39:11 PM
While I suppose you could go through the Win32 API, here is all you really need:


AX = 5701h

BX = file handle

CX = new time

DX = new date


CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h)

Bitfields for file time:

Bit(s) Description

15-11 hours (0-23)

10-5 minutes

4-0 seconds/2

Bitfields for file date:

Bit(s) Description

15-9 year - 1980

8-5 month

4-0 day

1. write dll in assembler

2. write glue in newLISP

3. use


p.s. note that this function is handle based, so you will have to open the file you want to touch. Probably could get away without closing, but to be safe, call the close function as well.
newLISP and the O.S. /
August 28, 2008, 09:20:25 AM

Actually I'd do both--- first acquire a working 'touch'. The one you point to is a good one, as are the rest of their Unix tools; get them all, you will need them sooner or later. Second, see if newLISP can solve your problem by trying the other suggestions made here. It will teach you more about both newLISP and the file system. Both worth knowing.

newLISP newS /
August 26, 2008, 01:01:36 PM

If you are going to blame setq on someone, that would be David Betz author of the Lisp implementation that John Walker used to provide an embedded language. That said, I believe that setq is older than that--- I think(could certainly be wrong) that Soft Warehouse's muLisp had a setq which if so would predate AutoLisp.


p.s. I'm uncertain if David's code had setq or whether John added it as part of the embedding...
newLISP and the O.S. /
August 26, 2008, 12:54:10 PM
Windows doesn't come with 'touch'--- but it is widely available on the net. I've never thought about it since I've always had it in my toolkit as a developer. It is trivial to write. Seems to me that in the long ago days one came with the Borland dev kits. Not having it is sort of like not having grep ;)
