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Messages - newBert

newLISP and the O.S. /
May 15, 2006, 01:19:56 AM
Thank you very much,  I didn't dare to explore the sources because I'm just a novice in programming.

I really have fun using newLISP. I don't understand all is written in this forum ([size=75]I'm  French-speaking not talented for english language, sorry[/size]) but it's a source of very interesting things about newLISP, LISP and programming.
newLISP and the O.S. /
May 14, 2006, 02:43:16 AM
Thanks for the reply.

Is there a "link.lsp" script which includes the tk-part of newLISP ?

I got in the (bad ?) habit of working with GUI and most often I don't use newLISP.exe (without -tk) unless I need to test quickly a procedure.
I wonder wether there's nothing new in this :

an example of how to use NSIS to make a newLISP script executable on Windows (inspired by">//

; NULLsoft Scriptable Install System
; make a newLISP Script executable

; Name of the installer (don't really care here because of silent below)
Name "Demo"

; Don't want a window, just unpack files and execute
SilentInstall silent

; Set a name for the resulting executable
OutFile "tcltk-app.exe"

; Set an icon (optional)
Icon "C:Program Filesnewlispnewlisp.ico"

; The installation directory
InstallDir "$TEMPtemp_NSIS"

; The stuff to install
Section ""
  ; Set output path to the installation directory.
  SetOutPath $INSTDIR

  ; put here requiered files
  File "C:Program Filesnewlispnewlisp-tk.exe" ; newLISP-tk interpreter
  File "C:Program Filesnewlisptcltk-app.lsp"    ; put the newLISP script

  ; Execute and wait for the newLISP script to end
  ExecWait '"$INSTDIRnewlisp-tk.exe" "-s" "tcltk-app.lsp"'

  ; Delete unpacked files from hard drive

It works on a PC without newLISP installed.

EXE size = 1.35 Mo (less than the only newLISP-tk.exe)

Can we do that in another way (maybe with "Innosetup" or other for instance) ?
newLISP and the O.S. /
April 20, 2006, 06:49:12 AM
I thank you for your quick and interesting replies.

I think I'll try "run.exe".  I heard of it in, if I've a good memory, the GTK-Server web site.

I would like to point something else out :

when I launch a newlisp-tk script from some text editors, like ConTEXT, Crimson Editor or SciTE, for instance, everything is fine !...

Therefore it may be that the problem comes from Windows file management rather than Tcl ? (lack of flexibility in the file and folder options?)

Thanks again.

Why can I not launch (with newLisp-tk) a newlisp script by a single double-clic on the file icon ?

When I try this, the result is an error message such as : "problem accessing file in function load"


I put a copy of the file "Demo.lsp" in a directory C:newlisp and I get the following message : problem accessing file in function load : "C:newlispDemo.lsp".

(same effect with another or the original directory).

However, if the directory is the root (i.e.: C:Demo.lsp) I can open the file with a double-clic on  it.

NB : if I try to open a script with newlisp.exe (without -tk) in this way, there is no problem.

[newLISP v.8.8.5 on WinXP-SP1 Home Edition]

thank you in advance for your help
newLISP newS /
October 28, 2005, 10:38:54 AM
The script files must be recognized by the editor.

On the menu bar of Crimson's Editor you must click on :

   Document/Syntax types/Customize ...

then you choose an -Empty- place in the list 'Syntax type' and complete:

   the 'Description' field (with "Newlisp", for instance)

   the 'Lang Spec' field : browse to find the newlisp.spc file

   the 'Keywords' field : browse to find the newlisp.key file


Now Crimson's Editor should autodetect newlisp files with the extension .lsp when loading and apply the syntax type of newlisp to the file.

(You can modify these syntax files to your convenience. I'm new in newlisp and I do'nt know if the choices I've done are good !)

P.S.: sorry for my bad english, I'am just a french newlisper (and also a beginner in newlisp world).

I hope I can help you !
