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Topics - newBert

newLISP in the real world / let and letn
March 04, 2019, 05:30:46 AM
I don't understand why letn isn't required here, or why let doesn't cause an error:
(let (a 1 b 2 c 3 d '(4 5 6 7) e (flat (list a b c d)))
  (println (list a b c d e)))
;−> (1 2 3 (4 5 6 7) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
Anything else we might add? / Happy new year
January 01, 2009, 09:47:20 AM
[size=150]Happy new year to all NewLISPers ![/size]
Anything else we might add? / Context or FOOP
November 29, 2007, 10:49:35 AM
I want to create two distinct objects from the same class. I can do it with context but I don't manage with FOOP.

Examples :

(context 'Point)
(set 'x 0 'y 0)
(context MAIN)

(new Point 'p1)
(set 'p1:x 3 'p1:y 4)
(new Point 'p2)
(set 'p2:x 3 'p2:y 4)
(println (= p1 p2)) ; => nil : p1 and p2 are two distinct objects

(set 'p3 p1)
(println (= p1 p3)) ; => true : p1 and p3 refer to the same object

; this demonstrates that
(set 'p1:x 7)
(println p3:x) ;=> 7

;; with FOOP :

(define (Point:Point x y)
(list Point x y))

(set 'p1 (Point 3 4))
(set 'p2 (Point 3 4))
(println (= p1 p2)) ; => true

(set 'p3 p1)
(println (= p1 p3)) ; => true

(set 'p1 (Point 7 4))
(println p1) ;=> (Point 7 4)
(println p3) ;=> (Point 3 4)

Other question : how can I get a value from an object with FOO ?

With 'Context' :
(context 'Point)
(set 'x 0 'y 0)
(context MAIN)

(new Point 'p1)
(set 'p1:x 3 'p1:y 4)

(println p1:x) ; => 3

With 'FOOP', how to get/print p1:x ?
(define (Point:Point x y)
(list Point x y))

(set 'p1 (Point 3 4))

(println p1) ;=> (Point 3 4)

I think I missed a stage ?
Anything else we might add? / OOP and inheritance
November 26, 2007, 10:19:08 AM
In chapter 17 of the NewLISP Manual (Object-Oriented Programming in newLISP) polymorphism is described clearly and simply. That shows how NewLISP can adapt easily to apparently complex things...

I studied, with my poor knowledge and competence in computer science, the notion of inheritance and here is a little script which attempts to illustrate the question.

Please, would you critically examine it so as to let me know wether I've well understood the concept.


(context 'rectangle)
; Class 'rectangle' with a constructor method
(define (rectangle:rectangle (width 30) (height 15))
(set 'w width)
(set 'h height)
(set 'nam "rectangle"))

(define (perimeter)
(string "(" w " + " h ") x 2 = " (mul (add w h) 2)))

(define (area)
(string w " x " h " = " (mul w h)))

(define (measure)
(println "A " nam " of " w " by " h)
(println "has a surface area of " (area) ",")
(println "and a perimeter of " (perimeter) ".n"))

(context MAIN)

(context 'square)
; Class 'square' inherits from 'rectangle'
(new rectangle)
; Constructor of 'square'
(define (square:square (side 10))
(set 'w side)
(set 'h side)
(set 'nam "square"))

(context MAIN)

; main program
(new rectangle 'fig1)
(fig1 27 12)

(new square 'fig2)
(fig2 13)

I think there is also a little polymorphism. I don't use the colon operator there... yet it would be better, sorry.

When I do this (with NewLISP 9.2.6 on Win32):
; initialize GUI-server
(load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))
; constants and variables
; GUI size:
(constant 'WIDTH 500 'HEIGHT 300)
; create the GUI
(gs:frame 'WIN 100 100 WIDTH (+ HEIGHT 32) "NewLISP 9.2.6 on Win32")
;; the console
(gs:text-area 'Console 'action WIDTH HEIGHT)
(gs:set-editable 'Console nil)
(gs:set-background 'Console gs:white)
(gs:set-font 'Console "Monospaced" 12 "plain")
(gs:set-foreground 'Console gs:black)
(gs:add-to 'WIN 'Console)
(gs:set-visible 'WIN true)
; define actions
(define (action))
; events loop
(gs:listen true)

I should obtain a window with a white background, thanks to (gs:set-background 'Console gs:white), but now the background is rather purple !

What's the matter ?

; Turtle graphics   (NewLISP + GUI-server)
; tree.lsp
; NewLISP v9.2.4                   B. Carette - nov. 2007
;; initialization GUI-server
(load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))

;; constants & variables
(constant 'PI2 (acos 0) 'DP2 (div PI2 90)) ; degre -> radian
(constant 'WIDTH 400 'HEIGHT 400) ; size of the window
(set 'coorX 0 'coorY 0) ; coordinates of the "turtle"
(set 'dir 0) ; orientation (heading to the north)
(set 'back-color '(1 1 1)) ; backcolor = white
(set 'pen-color '(0 0 0)) ; pen = black
(set 'pen true) ; pen is down

;; building the GUI
(gs:frame 'WIN 100 100 WIDTH (+ HEIGHT 34) "NewLISP Turtle")
(gs:canvas 'Canvas)
(gs:set-size 'Canvas WIDTH HEIGHT)
(gs:set-background 'Canvas back-color)
(gs:add-to 'WIN 'Canvas)
(gs:set-visible 'WIN true)

;; graphic procedures (commands for the turtle)
(define (home)
; center of the screen, heading to north
(set 'coorX 0 'coorY 0)
(set 'dir PI2)

(define (clear-screen)
(gs:delete-tag 'L)

(define (pen-down)
(set 'pen true))

(define (pen-up)
(set 'pen nil))

(define (pendown?)

(define (set-pos x y)
;  set the new positionof the turtle
(set 'coorX (add (div WIDTH 2) coorX) 'coorY (sub (div HEIGHT 2) coorY))
(set 'newX (add (div WIDTH 2) x) 'newY (sub (div HEIGHT 2) y))
(if (pendown?)
; draw if pen is down
(gs:draw-line 'L (int coorX) (int coorY) (int newX) (int newY) pen-color ))
(set 'coorX x 'coorY y))

(define (pos)
; return current position
(cons coorX coorY))

(define (forward dist)
(set-pos (add coorX (mul dist (cos dir)))
    (add coorY (mul dist (sin dir)))))

(define (backward dist)
(forward (- dist)))

(define (set-heading angle)
; set the orientation
(set 'dir (mod angle 360)))

(define (orientation)
; return current heading

(define (right degre)
; set orientation to the right (in degre)
(set-heading (sub dir (mul degre DP2))))

(define (left degre)
; set orientation to the left (in degre)
(set-heading (add dir (mul degre DP2))))

;; main program (a Turtle Graphics program)
(define (tree size)
(gs:set-stroke (div size 10))
(set 'pen-color (amb gs:red gs:green gs:blue))
(forward size)
(if (> size 5)
(right 30)
(tree (/ size 2))
(right 30)
(tree (/ size 2))
(left 90)
(tree (/ size 2))
(left 30)
(tree (/ size 2))
(right 60)
(backward size)
(gs:set-stroke 0.0))

(backward 100)
(tree 150)

;; boucle d'attente d'événements
One of my first attempts with Guiserver :
; Context and GUI
; ----- newlisp 9.1.12 --------- août 2007 -----
; Bertrand Carette (aka newBert)
Resistors are small tubular parts rimmed with colored stripes (usually 3).
These stripes show the numerical value of the resistor according to the
following code :

Each color corresponds to one of the numerals from zero to nine:
black=0, brown=1, red=2, orange=3, yellow=4, green=5, blue=6, purple=7,
    gray=9, white=10.

Resistor is positioned so as to put the colored stripes on the left.
The value of the resistor, expressed in ohm, is obtained by reading the
stripes from the left : the first two stripes show the first two numerals
of the value, next the third stripes show the amount of zeros.

yellow, purple and green stripes => 4700000 Ohm or 4700 kOhm or 4.7 MOhm.

(context 'Application)
(define (Application:Application)
; Constants and variables
; -> color codes (cc) for the values from zero to nine :
; black = 0     brown = 1   red = 2
; orange = 3   yellow = 4   green = 5
; blue = 6     purple = 7 grey = 8
; white = 9
(set 'cc '( (0.00 0.00 0.00) (0.68 0.31 0.00) (1.00 0.00 0.00)
(1.00 0.54 0.09) (1.00 1.00 0.00) (0.00 1.00 0.00)
(0.00 0.00 1.00) (0.39 0.00 0.78) (0.50 0.50 0.50)
(1.00 1.00 1.00)))
; -> list of the three colors (black by default)
(set 'coul (list (cc 0) (cc 0) (cc 0)))
; Building the main window
(gs:frame 'Fen 100 100 280 240 "Color Codes")
(gs:set-flow-layout 'Fen "center")
; -> creating then canvas where we'll draw the resistor
(gs:panel 'PanCanevas 250 120)
(gs:set-color 'PanCanevas '(0.98 0.98 0.98))
(gs:set-bevel-border 'PanCanevas "lowered")
(gs:canvas 'Can)
(gs:set-size 'Can 250 120)
(gs:add-to 'PanCanevas 'Can)
; -> drawing the resistor
(dessine-resistance (coul 0) (coul 1) (coul 2))
; -> creating the entry field
(gs:panel 'PanEntree )
(gs:set-border-layout 'PanEntree )
(gs:label 'Text "Value of the resistor (Ohm):")
(gs:text-field 'Entree 'change-couleurs 20)
(gs:add-to 'PanEntree 'Text "north" 'Entree "south")
; -> buttons
(gs:panel 'PanBouton)
(gs:set-flow-layout 'PanBouton "center" 70 2)
(gs:button 'BMontre 'evalue-entree "Show")
(gs:button 'BQuitte 'quitte "Quit")
(gs:add-to 'PanBouton 'BMontre 'BQuitte)
; -> laying out the main frame
(gs:add-to 'Fen 'PanCanevas 'PanEntree 'PanBouton)
(gs:set-visible 'Fen true)
; Event loop
(gs:listen) )

(define (dessine-resistance c1 c2 c3)
; Draw a resistor with three colored stripes
(gs:set-canvas 'Can)
; -> drawing
(gs:set-stroke 2.0)
(gs:draw-line 'Fil 10 50 240 50 gs:orange) ;wire
(gs:set-stroke 1.0)
(gs:fill-rect 'Res 65 30 120 40 gs:lightGray)
; -> three stripes (black by default)
(gs:set-stroke 0.0)
(gs:fill-rect 'R1 80 30 17 40 c1)
(gs:fill-rect 'R2 104 30 17 40 c2)
(gs:fill-rect 'R3 128 30 17 40 c3)
; -> updating the canvas

(define (evalue-entree id text)
(gs:get-text 'Entree 'change-couleurs))

(define (change-couleurs id text)
; Displays the colors which correspond to the input values
; -> getting and evaluating entries
(set 'vlch  (base64-dec text))
(set 'v (float vlch))
(if (or (not v) (<v> v 1e+011))
(signale-erreur)) ; bad input
(set 'li (dup 0 3)) ; list of the 3 codes to display
(set 'logv (int (log v 10))) ; integer part of the logarithm
(set 'ordgr (pow 10 logv)) ; idea of the size
; -> extracting the first significant numeral :
(nth-set (li 0) (/ v ordgr)) ; integer part
(set 'decim (sub (div v ordgr) (li 0))) ; decimal part
; -> extracting the second significant numeral :
(nth-set (li 1) (round (mul decim 10)))
; -> amount of zeros to place beside the 2 significant numerals :
(nth-set (li 2) (- logv 1))
; -> coloring the 3 stripes :
(dotimes (n 3)
(nth-set (coul n) (cc (li n))))
(dessine-resistance (coul 0) (coul 1) (coul 2))
; -> focus on entry field
(gs:request-focus 'Entree))

(define (signale-erreur)
; Displays "error" then gets back to entry field
(gs:clear-text 'Entree)
(gs:set-text 'Entree "Error !")
(sleep 1000); pause 1 seconde
(gs:clear-text 'Entree)
(gs:request-focus 'Entree)

(define (quitte)

(context MAIN)

;; initialisation GUI-Server
(if (= ostype "Win32")
    (load (string (env "PROGRAMFILES") "/newlisp/guiserver.lsp"))
    (load "/usr/share/newlisp/guiserver.lsp"))

;; main program
;; end of script

Sorry for some french words left here and there !
Anything else we might add? / A bug in NewLISP-tk ?
June 02, 2006, 08:07:22 AM
When I launch this code :

(print "Please, enter a number : ")
(set 'nn (eval-string (read-line)))

In the NewLISP console, I get :
QuotePlease, enter a number : 2

newLISP v.8.8.8 on Win32 MinGW, execute 'newlisp -h' for more info.

> nn



but in the NewLISP-tk console :
QuotenewLISP v.8.8.8 on Win32 MinGW.

> Please, enter a number : 2


> nn


I wonder wether there's nothing new in this :

an example of how to use NSIS to make a newLISP script executable on Windows (inspired by">//

; NULLsoft Scriptable Install System
; make a newLISP Script executable

; Name of the installer (don't really care here because of silent below)
Name "Demo"

; Don't want a window, just unpack files and execute
SilentInstall silent

; Set a name for the resulting executable
OutFile "tcltk-app.exe"

; Set an icon (optional)
Icon "C:Program Filesnewlispnewlisp.ico"

; The installation directory
InstallDir "$TEMPtemp_NSIS"

; The stuff to install
Section ""
  ; Set output path to the installation directory.
  SetOutPath $INSTDIR

  ; put here requiered files
  File "C:Program Filesnewlispnewlisp-tk.exe" ; newLISP-tk interpreter
  File "C:Program Filesnewlisptcltk-app.lsp"    ; put the newLISP script

  ; Execute and wait for the newLISP script to end
  ExecWait '"$INSTDIRnewlisp-tk.exe" "-s" "tcltk-app.lsp"'

  ; Delete unpacked files from hard drive

It works on a PC without newLISP installed.

EXE size = 1.35 Mo (less than the only newLISP-tk.exe)

Can we do that in another way (maybe with "Innosetup" or other for instance) ?
Why can I not launch (with newLisp-tk) a newlisp script by a single double-clic on the file icon ?

When I try this, the result is an error message such as : "problem accessing file in function load"


I put a copy of the file "Demo.lsp" in a directory C:newlisp and I get the following message : problem accessing file in function load : "C:newlispDemo.lsp".

(same effect with another or the original directory).

However, if the directory is the root (i.e.: C:Demo.lsp) I can open the file with a double-clic on  it.

NB : if I try to open a script with newlisp.exe (without -tk) in this way, there is no problem.

[newLISP v.8.8.5 on WinXP-SP1 Home Edition]

thank you in advance for your help